Construction of RCC Column and Beam
Construction of RCC Column and Beam
If You are civil engineer or become civil engineer you have to know about this point before construct and RCC work.
There are Some basic or Important point for construction work of Column, Beam and Slab.
- Damage to a single column affects safety of the building.
- Reinforcement of size less than 12 mm is not used in column.
- At least 4 bars is used in square column 6 bars in rectangular and circular column.
- An Overlap of 50 times the dia of bar is provided. For example, for 12 mm dia of bar, 600 mm overlap must be provided.
- The alignment of column must be in plum and cover of 40 mm must be provided.
- For the construction of column minimum M-20 concrete must be used.
- If the concrete in column is poured from a height of 3 feet / 1, meter a conical funnel must be used.
- Sides of column is removed after 24 hours after finishing of work.
- Jute bags is used for curing of column.
Column Check List
- In beams a cover of 25 mm must be provided.
- Beam level and alignment must be checked.
- Distance between the stirrups provided at support is less compare to stirrups provided at center.
- Reinforcement of beam must be according to drawing.
- Vibrator which are specified for beam must be used.
- Curing of beam is done for at least 10 Days.
- Internal shuttering of beam can be removed minimum period of 7 days.
Beam Check List
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